Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Odyssey : Tunjukilah Kami Jalan Yang Lurus

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry for leaving you alone all this while. I've been busy with dunya. Sometimes I scroll through everything and find nothing new, but I keep on staring and scrolling. I know I've become addicted to it, but I just feel too lazy to do other things, such as folding my clothes or cleaning the store :)

Today, I woke up early and had my DIY Coffee Latte—434 Muar Coffee mixed with fresh milk (though not so fresh, I think). While Little Maryam was still sleeping, I managed to welcome the TKB kids. Even the parents were surprised to see me at the gate, aha!

At 9:30, I went back to my cozy office and continued listening to Ustaz NAK's lecture on Al-Baqarah.

 Right now, I'm joining a Quranic Arabic Class, and we've been discussing Al-Baqarah in terms of grammar and vocabulary. This session is called Odyssey, where we go through each ayah and discuss Allah's words.

In Al-Fatihah, we seek Allah's guidance: "Ihdinassiratal mustaqim." The guidance is in Al-Baqarah, where Allah tells us, "The guidance is in this Kitab (Al-Quran). La roiba—no doubt in it. Huda lil muttaqin.". The first five ayat in Al-Baqarah kind of summarize what is needed to become a muttaqin (Untuk menjadi orang bertakwa).

Actually, it's not my intention to write in English, but I guess while listening to Ustaz NAK, my English was activated, haha!

Oklah, saja je nak berlatih senaman jari. Dah lama tak menaip menggunakan 10 jari. Semoga boleh tulis lagi nota pendek tentang surah al-Baqarah. Banyak sangat tapi dan alasan. 

Ya Allah berikanlah hamba-Mu ini keberkatan masa dan kesihatan yang baik. Amin!

Till then, assalamualaikum.

Nurul Fauzana
Pekan Jitra